Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

List of 76 Qualcomm Bluetooth devices (sort by name)

List of all available Bluetooth devices

In the following very long list you will find all known Bluetooth cards. To date, we have 76 of them in our database. Each device can have multiple identification strings (hardware ID), now we know a total of 247. The list below is sorted by Bluetooth cards name, if you would like to see a list sorted by identification string (hardware ID), please go to this page. Anyway, if you seem to be missing some Bluetooth devices, please contact us by email.

Qualcomm Bluetooth drivers for devices

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL 2023-12-01 806× 2023-10-27 200× 2023-10-20 61× 2023-09-07 72× 2023-09-06 37×

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