Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

List of oem devices from QCA Killer

On this page you will find a list of Qualcomm Atheros Killer devices broken down by type into WiFi, LAN, Bluetooth and others. For some manufacturers, there may be only one device, for others there may be more. Clicking on the selection will display a list of available devices with a focus on WiFi, LAN, Bluetooth or others.
We know a total of 17 devices from qcakiller, of which are 9× WiFi device(s) 8× LAN device(s) . If you want to go back click on the list of manufacturers.

Selection of QCA Killer devices

    The following QCA Killer devices are currently available on our website:

    - WiFi devices:
    - LAN devices:

    Please select the required device type:

OEM Manufacturer or OEM supplier
WiFi LAN Bluetooth Other
Qualcomm Atheros Killer (QCA Killer) Select Select Device not found Device not found

About Qualcomm Atheros Killer

    The Killer NIC (Network Interface Card), from Killer Gaming, is designed to circumvent the Microsoft Windows TCP/IP stack, and handle processing on the card via a dedicated network processor. Most standard network cards are host based, and make use of the primary CPU. The manufacturer claims that the Killer NIC is capable of reducing network latency and lag. The card was first introduced in 2006.
    Killer high-performance networking products combine intelligence, control and superior networking speed for HD video, high quality audio, and online games. Killer uses a variety of exclusive technologies to provide unprecedented application performance for networking products from Qualcomm Atheros and our valued partners.

    Link: www.qualcomm.com | Wikipedia |

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

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