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Qualcomm FastConnect 6200 - WCN3998

This page provides information on how to download the "Qualcomm FastConnect 6200 - WCN3998" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name qualcomm-fastconnect-6200-product-brief.pdf
Chipset WCN3998
Release 2019-09-12  [September '19]
File size 650,85 KB
Downloaded 703Ă—

Qualcomm FastConnect 6200 - WCN3998 for free download

The following text applies to: WCN3998 BT5.

The Qualcomm FastConnect 6200 Mobile Connectivity Subsystem (WCN3998) is a highly integrated 2x2 mobile connectivity chipset that is Wi-Fi 6 ready.

Key Wi-Fi 6 features such as 8x8 sounding can increase capacity for up to 2x improvement over 4x4 sounding devices. Other features such as Target Wakeup Time can increase battery life by lowering power consumption up to 67%.

These advanced Wi-Fi features combine with support for Bluetooth 5, Qualcomm TrueWireless™ Stereo advanced audio features, and advanced WPA3 security to deliver a powerful mix of advanced capabilities for smartphones and computing devices.

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