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QCA8829 - 1G EPON ONU SOC for FTTB and FTTH applications

This page provides information on how to download the "QCA8829 - 1G EPON ONU SOC for FTTB and FTTH applications" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name qca8829.pdf
Chipset QCA8829
Release 2013-10-07  [October '13]
File size 5,07 MB
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QCA8829 - 1G EPON ONU SOC for FTTB and FTTH applications for free download

The following text applies to: QCA8829 PON EPON ONU FTTB FTTH.

The Qualcomm QCA8829 is the industry’s smallest, most integrated, ultra-low power 1 Gigabit (1G) Ethernet passive optical networking (EPON) chip solution optimized to enable next-generation optical broadband access to homes and businesses. The QCA8829 is a firstof-its-kind system-on-chip (SOC) that advances the development of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) by supporting multiple standards, including those supporting cable operators’ optical broadband in North America, provisioning for smart grid applications over PON in China, and EPON infrastructures in markets worldwide.
As the second generation EPON optical networking unit (ONU) within the Qualcomm PON device family, the QCA8829 is designed to fully implement IEE 802.3ah requirements and is compliant to the North American Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) Provisioning of Ethernet (DPoE) 1.0 specification, the China State Grid EPON specification, and the China Telecom (CTC) EPON specification. The chip solution is specifically tailored to meet the evolving needs of telecom carriers, cable operators and utility providers.
Solution Highlights
- Supports IEEE 802.3ah and CTC EPON specifications
- Supports North America CableLabs DPoE specification 1.0
- Supports China State Grid EPON specifications
- Ultra low power dissipation of <200 mW when running smart grid applications (GE PHY sleep mode enabled)
- Ultra low power dissipation of <600 mW when running full throughput at 1 Gbps with GE PHY activated
- Extreme small package of 9x9 mm using QFN76
- Hardwired, high performance, low latency packet engine that enables carrier-class traffic management and QoS
- High level of integration including SerDes and GE PHY

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