Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

Atheros uN3010 - Single-chip GPS

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File name un3010_product_brief.pdf
Chipset uN3010
Release 2008-04-25  [April '08]
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Downloaded 482×

Atheros uN3010 - Single-chip GPS for free download

The following text applies to: uN3010 GPS.

The Atheros uN3010 is a high-performance GPS solution, consisting of the CMOS uN3010 GPS IC teamed with the powerful ORION v2.2 multi-mode navigation software.
The uN3010 IC is a highly-integrated GPS receiver comprised of a single-conversion RF front-end and a GPS baseband processor combined into a single die. The L1 RF front-end includes an on-chip low noise amplifier (LNA), and a configurable phase-locked loop (PLL) that supports six (6) TCXO frequencies. The uN3010 provides 20- channel GPS operation and is based on an optimized 16-bit DSP with a compact, embedded real-time operating system (RTOS).

uN3010 Solution Highlights
- Low-cost, single-chip GPS RF front-end and baseband processor implemented in a single monolithic die
- 20-channel GPS architecture, featuring eight independent search engines for simultaneous search and 12 tracking channels with power-down capability
- Advanced power management architecture minimizes consumption through the individual power-down of multiple core and I/O islands
- Low-power RTC suitable for coin-cell battery backup
- High sensitivity operation with autonomous and assisted support
- Supports autonomous, assisted conventional, and single-fix AGPS modes while exceeding requirements for 3GPP

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