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Qualcomm QCA7000 - HomePlug Green PHY Single Chip Solution

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File name qca7000_product_brief.pdf
Chipset QCA7000
Release 2013-09-27  [September '13]
File size 2,81 MB
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Qualcomm QCA7000 - HomePlug Green PHY Single Chip Solution for free download

The following text applies to: QCA7000 QCA7005 HomePlug IEEE1901.

The QCA7000/7005 is the latest addition to the Powerline Communications (PLC) portfolio of communication ICs from Qualcomm. It is fully compliant with the HomePlug Green PHY (HPGP) specification. HomePlug’s Green PHY specification was developed specifically for energy management applications. The QCA7000/7005 has the same range and reliability as the other members of the Qualcomm family of HomePlug compliant IC’s. However, the QCA7000/7005 has been designed to meet specific industry requirements for a HomePlug AV interoperable device that offered lower power consumption, lower product complexity and reduced BOM costs.
The QCA7000/7005 is fully interoperable with HomePlug AV and IEEE 1901 compliant products. The QCA7000/7005 features HomePlug Green PHY Distributed Bandwidth Control to ensure effective coexistence with HPAV equipment operating in close proximity on the same power line infrastructure. The IC also supports HPGP Power Save Mode, which enables the IC to enter and exit a low power state on a scheduled basis to maintain network synchronization. The SLAC Protocol is also supported to enable use of the IC in electric transportation applications.

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