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Qualcomm AR6400 - HomePlug AV Chipset

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File name qca6400_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR6400
Release 2013-09-27  [September '13]
File size 2,79 MB
Downloaded 667×

Qualcomm AR6400 - HomePlug AV Chipset for free download

The following text applies to: QCA6400 HomePlug AR1500.

The Qualcomm AR6400/AR1500 HomePlug AV chipset solution is comprised of the AR6400 Medium Access Controller (MAC)/Physical layer (PHY) IC and the AR1500 AFE/Line Driver IC. The Qualcomm HomePlug AV transceiver is optimized for multimedia streaming applications and is fully compliant with the HomePlug AV standard to reliably deliver up to 200 Mbps PHY rate over powerline wiring.
In addition to the complete MAC and PHY, the AR6400 includes an Ethernet Media Independent Interface (MII) and an external Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) interface. In addition, the AR6400 includes the Analog-to-Digital (A/D) and Digital-to-Analog (D/A) converters required for analog interface to the AR1500 AFE/Line Driver IC. The AR1500 AFE/Line Driver IC includes a Tx filter, a programmable-gain line driver and a programmable-gain Rx amplifier. The programmability of these amplifiers opens up new and important signal optimization functionality.

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