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Qualcomm QCA4002/4 WiFi SoCs for IoT

This page provides information on how to download the "Qualcomm QCA4002/4 WiFi SoCs for IoT" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name qca400x_product_brief.pdf
Chipset QCA4002 / QCA4004
Release 2019-08-20  [August '19]
File size 282,97 KB
Downloaded 579×

Qualcomm QCA4002/4 WiFi SoCs for IoT for free download

The following text applies to: QCA4002 QCA4004 IoT.

QCA4002/4 are intelligent Wi-Fi SoCs for the Internet of Things (IoT). This networking platform is designed to enable customers to add full featured Wi-Fi to a wide variety of products with minimal development effort and cost.

The Qualcomm QCA4002 is a single-stream (1x1) IEEE 802.11n single-band SoC and Qualcomm® QCA4004 is a dual-band SoC for the IoT. The highly integrated Wi-Fi link includes an energy efficient on-board power amplifier and LNA. For the 2.4GHz band, RF switches are also integrated. Both QCA4002 and QCA4004 are engineered to optimize low system cost by minimizing the number of components required to achieve a reliable Wi-Fi link. In addition, QCA4004 can operate in a pure host-less mode of operation.

The QCA400x SoCs provide two host interfaces for connecting to local system controllers. A UART-based host interface can be used to support rapid development and deployment of simple data streams between the local device and the internet cloud. An SPI secondary interface is available for applications that require more advanced connectivity to the network. It supports a network stack along with SSL security designed to enable full featured internet connectivity and reliable information exchange in a small, low-cost system. QCA400x SoCs also supports interoperability software framework and services, allowing devices to discover, connect and communicate directly with one another.

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