Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

Atheros AR1511 Single-chip GPS receiver delivering state-of-the-art Assisted GPS

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File name ar1511_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR1511
Release 2008-04-28  [April '08]
File size 993,81 KB
Downloaded 574×

Atheros AR1511 Single-chip GPS receiver delivering state-of-the-art Assisted GPS for free download

The following text applies to: AR1511.

The Atheros AR1511 is a high-performance GPS solution, consisting of the tiny CMOS AR1511 GPS IC teamed with the powerful ORION v3.0 multi-mode navigation software.

The AR1511 is a highly-integrated GPS receiver comprised of a singleconversion RF front-end and a GPS baseband processor combined on a single die. The L1 RF front-end includes an on-chip low noise amplifier (LNA), and a configurable phase-locked loop (PLL) that supports six (6) TCXO frequencies. The AR1511 provides 20-channel GPS operation and is based on an optimized 16-bit DSP with a compact, embedded real-time operating system (RTOS).

The ORION v3.0 Software is a powerful GPS navigation software package that supports hosted, autonomous, assisted-conventional, and single-fix Assisted-GPS (AGPS) modes while exceeding 3GPP AGPS performance requirements. ORION v3.0 also provides advanced acquisition algorithms to efficiently find weak GPS signals by utilizing the company's patent-pending third-generation search engine, enabling parallel searches and advanced tracking loops. These features allow ORION to quickly adapt to the dynamic conditions found in harsh urban canyons.

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