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Atheros AR1900 Single-chip Mobile Solution for Personal Access System

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File name ar1900_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR1900
Release 2006-05-19  [May '06]
File size 1,12 MB
Downloaded 458×

Atheros AR1900 Single-chip Mobile Solution for Personal Access System for free download

The following text applies to: AR1900 ARM946E-S.

The AR1900 implements on a single chip a 1.9 GHz radio, modem, and TDMA controller in support of the RCR STD-28 Version 3.3 PHS calling features. It also implements all the functions required of a handset, including applications processing on an ARM946E-S core, keypad and LCD control, speaker and microphone voice path, and battery management. Implemented in a standard CMOS process, the AR1900 brings a new level of integration and cost competitiveness to the PHS market.

The single-chip footprint of the AR1900 PHS solution enables a new class of highly-compact, power-efficient handset designs. Single-sided layouts with FR4 PCB material are possible for either flip-phone or candy-bar style handsets. With the advanced RF functions of the AR1900, features such as seamless roaming are made possible with the appropriate software. Peripherals such as cameras, MP3 players, and FM tuners, as well as a secondary LCD, can be supported via expansion interfaces. An USB 1.1 client interface for PC download applications is supported by the AR1900, as is a SIM slot for subscriber management.

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