Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

Atheros AR2417 Highly-integrated, single-chip 802.11g for Mini-PCI and CardBus

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File name ar2417_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR2417
Release 2007-04-06  [April '07]
File size 1,28 MB
Downloaded 501×

Atheros AR2417 Highly-integrated, single-chip 802.11g for Mini-PCI and CardBus for free download

The following text applies to: AR2417 AR5005G AR5007.

Introducing Atheros’ AR2417, the industry’s most integrated singlechip IEEE 802.11b/g WLAN solution designed for Mini-PCI and CardBus designs. The AR2417, the newest member of Atheros’ family of AR5007 single-chip solutions offers significant enhancements over the previous generation AR5005G, Atheros’ most popular-selling chip family to date. This new design reduces the total solution cost by integrating the 802.11b/g media access controller (MAC), baseband processor, 2.4GHz radio, low noise amplifier (LNA), power amplifier (PA) and selected RBOM components onto a low-cost, digital CMOS chip. With this high level of integration, the AR2417 significantly reduces the total BOM and manufacturing costs of mini-PCI and CardBus 802.11b/g products, compared to current generation solutions. The AR2417 is ideal for enabling carrier gateway designs with low-cost, wireless connectivity and for CardBus applications.
The AR2417 supports industry standard 802.11b, 802.11g, security and QoS. Full reference design support is available.

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