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Qualcomm AR3001 Low-power Bluetooth 2.1 and 3.0 + HS HCI ROM solution

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File name ar3001_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR3001
Release 2013-10-28  [October '13]
File size 5,47 MB
Downloaded 485×

Qualcomm AR3001 Low-power Bluetooth 2.1 and 3.0 + HS HCI ROM solution for free download

The following text applies to: AR3001.

The Qualcomm AR3001 is a highly integrated, all-CMOS, single-chip Bluetooth 2.1 and 3.0 + HS solution for mobile handset and portable electronics applications. The compact size and low power consumption of this AR3001 design make it an ideal vehicle for adding Bluetooth to hand-held and other battery-powered consumer electronic devices.

The AR3001 supports the standard UART HCI interface and is therefore compatible with any upper layer Bluetooth stack. It is also designed to require less than 12 passive components, thus providing the lowest system BOM cost for mobile phone or portable consumer electronics applications. The AR3001 supports advanced architecture and protocol techniques to save power during sleep, stand-by and active states. The AR3001 family supports 2-, 3- and 4-wire Bluetooth coexistence protocols with advanced algorithms for predicting channel usage by the co-located WLAN transceiver in the same system.

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