Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

Atheros AR3031 Low-power, Low-cost Bluetooth Voice Headset Solution

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File name ar3031_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR3031
Release 2008-01-23  [January '08]
File size 902,32 KB
Downloaded 506Ă—

Atheros AR3031 Low-power, Low-cost Bluetooth Voice Headset Solution for free download

The following text applies to: AR3031.

The AR3000 family consists of Bluetooth solutions based on the Atheros ROCm platform for high-performance mobile and embedded wireless products.

The Atheros AR3031 SoC offers unmatched low-power in a highly flexible, single-chip Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR solution for mono headset applications. The SoC includes an Atheros radio for Bluetooth, a 32-bit CPU, dual 1.2v voltage regulators, I2C interface to an external EEPROM, internal LPO, on chip PLL, and 314 KB of ROM with 28 KB of RAM. It also has a PCM interface that supports an external audio CODEC.

The AR3031 features unmatched low-power achieved through an array of Atheros design protocols and techniques to deliver extended usage between charges. With fully embedded Headset Profile v1.1 and Handsfree Profile v1.5, the AR3031 delivers optimal design ease and flexibility, resulting in time-to-market advantage. Atheros’ Headset Studio enables product designers to easily customize features such as switches and LED indicators to drive product differentiation. The AR3031 5mm x 5mm QFN package provides a low-cost, small footprint solution to allow customers to build highly competitive headset designs.

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