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Atheros AR5002 Third-Generation WLAN Solutions Overview

This page provides information on how to download the "Atheros AR5002 Third-Generation WLAN Solutions Overview" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name ar5002_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR5002
Release 2003-06-17  [June '03]
File size 407,85 KB
Downloaded 509×

Atheros AR5002 Third-Generation WLAN Solutions Overview for free download

The following text applies to: AR5002 AR5002A AR5002G AR5002X.

The Atheros AR5002 chipset family supports multiple WLAN standards for universal connectivity, security without compromise, best-in-class throughput performance and range, with optimizations for different market segments and price points.

Atheros third-generation AR5002 multi-mode chipsets support all of today's wireless local area network (WLAN) standards, as well as the draft 802.11h standard, and cover all worldwide wireless networking spectrum. A universal WLAN client based on the multi-mode chipsets can be connected to any access points using any 802.11 technology worldwide.

The AR5002 chipsets implement Atheros Super G and Super A/G capabilities to deliver 108 Mbps raw data rate and 90 Mbps TCP/IP throughput for 802.11g and 802.11a/g wireless LANs.

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