Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

Atheros AR5005VA HDTV-Quality 802.11a/b/g Multiple Radio Smart Antenna Solution

This page provides information on how to download the "Atheros AR5005VA HDTV-Quality 802.11a/b/g Multiple Radio Smart Antenna Solution" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name ar5005va_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR5005VA
Release 2004-08-23  [August '04]
File size 449,95 KB
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Atheros AR5005VA HDTV-Quality 802.11a/b/g Multiple Radio Smart Antenna Solution for free download

The following text applies to: AR5005VA AR5112 AR5513.

Video/Audio Chipset for HDTV-Quality Wireless at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

AR5005VA Technology Overview:
The Atheros AR5513 introduces HDTV-quality wireless in an integrated video solution. As the core of the AR5005VA chipset, the AR5513 processor combines integrated support for popular HDTV, SDTV, and multimedia processors, along with multiple radio and smart antenna technologies. This enables reliable, highperformance and affordable video/audio solutions.

Video/audio capabilities include direct, glueless connections to existing consumer electronics designs with hardware-based jitter control, MPEG encapsulation, and MPEG-TS aggregation. IR modulator and repeater capabilities complete the CE package.

Multiple radio support is available for two and four antenna configurations with transmit beamforming and receive combining to blanket even extremely large homes with HDTV-quality wireless coverage.

Summary of Benefits:
- Multiple DVD-quality (6-8Mbps) or combination of HDTV-quality (19-24Mbps) and DVD-quality wireless connections
- Integrated video/audio controller support with direct interfaces, host capability, MPEG and DMA acceleration to popular HDTV, SDTV, DVR, STB chipsets
- Whole home coverage with multiple radio and smart antenna technologies
- Interoperable with all 802.11a, 11b, 11g wireless networks. Compliant with 802.11 a,b,g,e,h,i,j
- Enhanced Quality of Service with Hardware Packet Jitter Control, MPEG Packet Encapsulation, MPEG-TS Aggregation
- Low-cost, highly-integrated CMOS implementation

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