Qualcomm Atheros Killer drivers for MS Windows

Atheros AR5006EGS single-chip 802.11b/g WLAN solution with support for PCIe

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File name ar5006egs_product_brief.pdf
Chipset AR5006EGS
Release 2005-07-15  [July '05]
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Atheros AR5006EGS single-chip 802.11b/g WLAN solution with support for PCIe for free download

The following text applies to: AR5006EGS AR2424.

First complete single-chip IEEE 802.11b/g WLAN solution with support for PCI Express and Super G

AR5006EGS Technology Overview:
Introducing the Atheros AR5006EGS, the world’s first single chip IEEE 802.11b/g WLAN solution with support for PCI Express and Super G. AR5006EGS integrates a complete WLAN solution-media access controller (MAC), baseband processor, and a high-performance 2.4-GHz radio in a low-cost digital CMOS design.

With the highest level of integration, the AR5006EGS enables the entire WLAN solution to fit on a single-sided Mini Card or ExpressCard design, creating the ideal choice for embedded and aftermarket WLAN solutions for personal computers. This design exploits the ability of the PCI Express bus architecture to support high-performance computing with up to 2.5-gigabit-per-second transmit and receive rates – a 150 percent improvement over the existing PCI architecture.

AR5006EGS Solution Highlights
- Uses digital CMOS technology exclusively, minimizing power consumption and cost while maximizing reliability
- Highly integrated single chip PCI Express CMOS solution with MAC/baseband processor and 2.4 GHz radio
- Compliant with IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11d and 802.11i standards
- Supports draft 802.11e Quality of Service (QoS) standard
- Super G mode delivers up to 108 Mbps data link rate with typical end user throughput exceeding 60 Mbps
- Atheros XR eXtended Range technology gives Wi-Fi products twice the range of existing designs
- Hardware encryption for security provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) without performance degradation
- Extended tuning range (2.300-2.500 GHz) enables worldwide use

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