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Qualcomm APQ8016E SoC for IoT

This page provides information on how to download the "Qualcomm APQ8016E SoC for IoT" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name apq8016e-product-brief.pdf
Chipset APQ8016E
Release 2018-11-14  [November '18]
File size 228,19 KB
Downloaded 388×

Qualcomm APQ8016E SoC for IoT for free download

The following text applies to: APQ8016 APQ8016E.

The APQ8016E application processor is designed to provide an ideal solution for Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

From the DragonBoard 410c Community Board to production-ready System-on-Modules (SoMs) for commercialization, the APQ8016E application processor is designed to meet the demanding requirements of embedded computing applications with its high performance, energy efficiency, multimedia features and integrated connectivity.

APQ8016E integrates more and increasingly complex functions, while providing high performance, rich multimedia, low power consumption and support for multiple operating systems (Android, Linux and Windows 10).

The flexible design of the APQ8016E makes it ideal for IoT applications requiring computing horsepower and integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, such as connected homes, building automation, industrial control, digital signage, smart surveillance and others.

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