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Qualcomm FastConnect 7800 - WCN7850

This page provides information on how to download the "Qualcomm FastConnect 7800 - WCN7850" datasheet. This is a PDF file that is freely available on the Internet. All information obtained from these documents is the intellectual property of Qualcomm. Any use must therefore be consulted directly with them. We currently offer a total of 89 similar PDF files for download.

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File name fastconnect-7800-product-brief_final19.pdf
Chipset WCN7850
Release 2022-02-26  [February '22]
File size 210,45 KB
Downloaded 1530×

Qualcomm FastConnect 7800 - WCN7850 for free download

The following text applies to: WCN7850 WCN7851.

Leading Wi-Fi 7, premium Wi-Fi 6/6E, and advanced Bluetooth audio come together in this powerful and versatile connectivity system to unlock extreme performance for mobile, compute, and XR experiences.

The Qualcomm FastConnect 7800 is an advanced 14nm Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connectivity system designed to deliver ultra- high speeds (up to 5.8 Gbps), sustained low latency (2 ms), and premium Bluetooth audio.

While maintaining compliance with the latest Wi-Fi 6/6E and Wi-Fi 7 standards, FastConnect 7800 is packed with sophisticated innovation that goes beyond standard benchmarks. High Band Simultaneous Multi-Link Wi-Fi technology uniquely harnesses the potential of 5 and 6GHz bands for multiple links of high band performance for throughput hungry and latency sensitive applications, eliminating dependence on comparatively narrow and congested 2.4GHz band.

FastConnect 7800 also supercharges Snapdragon Sound™ Technology, Bluetooth LE Audio, and Bluetooth 5.3 with next-generation Dual Bluetooth – two radios with dedicated connections, designed to enable Bluetooth accessories to work at twice the range, to pair in half the time, and makes changing a Bluetooth connection from smartphone to PC, or earbuds to an automobile’s hand-free system instant and effortless.

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