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List of available WiFi devices with AR9287 chipset

List of all available devices for AR9287 ()

In the following list you will find one or more WiFi devices with chipset AR9287. If more than one device is available, view their list in detail and select the desired device. The number of known hardware IDs (HWIDs) for each device is shown in parentheses on the right.
The Qualcomm AR9287 is the single-chip, single-band 2.4 GHz solution for PCIe in XSPAN's fourth generation of products. The AR9287 Half-Mini Card is the most integrated and compact 802.11n solution for 2-stream with nearly 20% fewer components than the previous generation single-band PCIe on the market, enabling mainstream computing market applications.

List of available WiFi devices with AR9287 chipset

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

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