The only WiFi device available with the AR9380 chipset
List of all available devices for AR9380 ()
In the following list you will find one or more WiFi devices with chipset AR9380 (802.11a/b/g/n). If more than one device is available, view their list in detail and select the desired device. The number of known hardware IDs (HWIDs) for each device is shown in parentheses on the right.
AR9380 is the single-chip, dual-band (2.4/5 GHz), 3-stream 11n solution with PCIe interface. To reduce the manufacturing cost, AR9380 has successfully integrated external components such as the 2.4/5 GHz LNA and PA, switching regulators and EEPROMs. AR9380 is also optimized for P2P applications compliant with Wi-Fi Direct.